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  1. Drożdż, W., Bilan, Y., Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., & Pilecki, B. (2022). Optimizing biomass energy production at the municipal level to move to low-carbon energy. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76 doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103417  (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)


  1. Rybaczewska, M., Sulkowski, L., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Covid-19 pandemic and independent convenience stores in the united kingdom. Engineering Economics, 32(3), 258-265. doi:10.5755/j01.ee.32.3.28360 (Scopus, Q2)
  2. Baskutis, S., Baskutiene, J., Navickas, V., Bilan, Y., & Cieśliński, W. (2021). Perspectives and problems of using renewable energy sources and implementation of local “green” initiatives: A regional assessment. Energies, 14(18) doi:10.3390/en14185888 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  3. Bilan, Y., Chudy-Laskowska, K., Szczygieł, E., & Piecuch, T. (2021). People’s behavior, in the context of living standards changes and sustainable development, exemplified by the carpathian euroregion. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 18(2), 105-125. doi:10.12700/APH.18.2.2021.2.6 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  4. Jurkowska-Gomułka, A., Kurczewska, K., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Corporate social responsibility in public administration. case of polish central administrative institutions. Administratie Si Management Public, 2021(36), 116-133. doi:10.24818/AMP/2021.36-07 (Scopus Q2)
  5. Ginevičius, R., Bilan, Y., Kądzielawski, G., Novotny, M., & Kośmider, T. (2021). Evaluation of the sectoral energy development intensity in the euro area countries. Energies, 14(17) doi:10.3390/en14175298 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  6. Kalmakova, D., Bilan, Y., Zhidebekkyzy, A., & Sagiyeva, R. (2021). Commercialization of conventional and sustainability-oriented innovations: A comparative systematic literature review. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(1), 340-353. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(1).2021.29 (Scopus Q3)
  7. Grishnova, O., Bereziuk, K., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Evaluation of the level of corporate social responsibility of ukrainian nuclear energy producers. Management and Marketing, 16(2), 152-166. doi:10.2478/mmcks-2021-0010 (Scopus Q3)
  8. Kolosok, S., Bilan, Y., Vasylieva, T., Wojciechowski, A., & Morawski, M. (2021). A scoping review of renewable energy, sustainability and the environment. Energies, 14(15) doi:10.3390/en14154490 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  9. Lewandowska, A., Bilan, Y., & Mentel, G. (2021). The impact of financial innovation investment support on SME competitiveness. Journal of Competitiveness, 13(3), 92-110. doi:10.7441/joc.2021.03.06 (Scopus, Web of Science по WOS Q1)
  10. Lyeonov, S., Pimonenko, T., Bilan, Y., Štreimikiene, D., & Mentel, G. (2019). Assessment of green investments’ impact on sustainable development: Linking gross domestic product per capita, greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy. Energies, 12(20) doi:10.3390/en12203891 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  11. Lyeonov, S., Vasilyeva, T., Bilan, Y., & Bagmet, K. (2021). Convergence of the institutional quality of the social sector: The path to inclusive growth. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 14(3), 272-291. doi:10.1504/IJTGM.2021.115712 (Scopus) Q1
  12. Mentel, G., Bilan, Y., Szetela, B., & Mentel, U. (2021). Weather derivative instruments. property analysis of the basic instruments. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 55(2), 79-98. doi:10.24818/18423264/ (Scopus, Web of Science, Q3)
  13. Nate, S., Bilan, Y., Cherevatskyi, D., Kharlamova, G., Lyakh, O., & Wosiak, A. (2021). The impact of energy consumption on the three pillars of sustainable development. Energies, 14(5) doi:10.3390/en14051372 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  14. Nate, S., Bilan, Y., Kurylo, M., Lyashenko, O., Napieralski, P., & Kharlamova, G. (2021). Mineral policy within the framework of limited critical resources and a green energy transition. Energies, 14(9) doi:10.3390/en14092688 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  15. Oliinyk, O., Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Akimov, O., & Vasa, L. (2021). The impact of migration of highly skilled workers on the country’s competitiveness and economic growth. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 17(3), 7-19. doi:10.14254/1800-5845/2021.17-3.1 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  16. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., Zawadzki, P., Wojciechowski, A., & Rabe, M. (2021). Ghg emissions mitigation in the european union based on labor market changes. Energies, 14(2) doi:10.3390/en14020465 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  17. Štreimikienė, D., Samusevych, Y., Bilan, Y., Vysochyna, A., & Sergi, B. S. (2021). Multiplexing efficiency of environmental taxes in ensuring environmental, energy, and economic security. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-021-16239-6 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  18. Svazas, M., Navickas, V., Bilan, Y., Nakonieczny, J., & Spankova, J. (2021). Biomass clusterization from a regional perspective: The case of lithuania. Energies, 14(21) doi:10.3390/en14216993 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  19. Szetela, B., Mentel, G., Bilan, Y., & Mentel, U. (2021). The relationship between trend and volume on the bitcoin market. Eurasian Economic Review, 11(1), 25-42. doi:10.1007/s40822-021-00166-5 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  20. Tvaronavičienė, M., Mazur, N., Mishchuk, H., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Quality of life of the youth: Assessment methodology development and empirical study in human capital management. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, doi:10.1080/1331677X.2021.1956361 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  21. Vasylieva, T., Pavlyk, V., Bilan, Y., Mentel, G., & Rabe, M. (2021). Assessment of energy efficiency gaps: The case for ukraine. Energies, 14(5) doi:10.3390/en14051323 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  22. Yarovenko, H., Bilan, Y., Lyeonov, S., & Mentel, G. (2021). Methodology for assessing the risk associated with information and knowledge loss management. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(2), 369-387. doi:10.3846/jbem.2021.13925 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  23. Uuld, A., Magda, R., & Bilan, Y. (2021). An analysis of technical efficiency of vegetables’ household production in mongolia. Agris on-Line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 13(3), 101-111. doi:10.7160/aol.2021.130310 (Scopus, Q3)
  24. Shafait, Z., Khan, M. A., Bilan, Y., & Oláh, J. (2021). Modeling the mediating roles of self-directed learning and knowledge management processes between emotional intelligence and learning outcomes in higher education. PLoS ONE, 16(7 July) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0255177 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  25. Brychko, M., Bilan, Y., Lyeonov, S., & Mentel, G. (2021). Trust crisis in the financial sector and macroeconomic stability: A structural equation modelling approach. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 34(1), 828-855. doi:10.1080/1331677X.2020.1804970 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  26. Campbell, E., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Robotic wireless sensor networks, internet of thingsenabled sustainability, and real-time advanced analytics in cyber-physical system-based smart factories. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 16(3), 68-80. doi:10.22381/emfm16320214 (Scopus, Q1)
  27. Diego García-Gómez, C., Demir, E. MaríaDíez-Esteban J., Bilan  Y. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on hotels’ value compared to previous diseases: the role of ALFO strategy. Heliyon. Volume 7, Issue 8https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07836
  28. Gyenge, B., Mate, Z., Vida, I., Bilan, Y., Vasa, L. (2021). A New Strategic Marketing Management Model for the Specificities of E-Commerce in the Supply Chain. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2021, 16(4), 1136-1149. doi:10.3390/jtaer16040064 (Web of Science, Scopus Q2)
  29. Navickas, V., Kontautiene R., Stravinskiene, J., (2021). Paradigm shift in the concept of corporate social responsibility: COVID-19. Green Finance, 3(2): 138–152. DOI: 10.3934/GF.2021008


  1. Bilan, Y., Mentel, G., Streimikiene, D., & Szetela, B. (2020). Weather risk management in the weather-var approach. assumptions of value-at-risk modeling. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 54(1), 31-48. doi:10.24818/18423264/ (Scopus, Web of Science, Q3)
  2. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Roshchyk, I., & Joshi, O. (2020). Hiring and retaining skilled employees in smes: Problems in human resource practices and links with organizational success. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 780-791. doi:10.3846/btp.2020.12750 (Scopus Q3)
  3. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Roshchyk, I., & Kmecova, I. (2020). An analysis of intellectual potential and its impact on the social and economic development of european countries. Journal of Competitiveness, 12(1), 22-38. doi:10.7441/joc.2020.01.02 (Scopus, Web of Science по WOS Q1)
  4. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Samoliuk, N., & Mishchuk, V. (2020). Gender discrimination and its links with compensations and benefits practices in enterprises. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8(3), 189-204. doi:10.15678/EBER.2020.080311 (Scopus, Web of Science Q2)
  5. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Samoliuk, N., & Yurchyk, H. (2020). Impact of income distribution on social and economic well-being of the state. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(1) doi:10.3390/su12010429 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  6. Bilan, Y., Pimonenko, T., & Starchenko, L. (2020). Sustainable business models for innovation and success: Bibliometric analysis. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 159 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202015904037  (Scopus)
  7. Bilan, Y., Srovnalã-KovÃi, P., Streimikis, J., Lyeonov, S., Tiutiunyk, I., & Humenna, Y. (2020). From shadow economy to lower carbon intensity: Theory and evidence. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 19(1-3), 196-216. (Scopus Q4)
  8. Bilan, Y., Tiutiunyk, I., Lyeonov, S., & Vasylieva, T. (2020). Shadow economy and economic development: A panel cointegration and causality analysis. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 13(2), 173-193. doi:10.1504/IJEPEE.2020.107929 (Scopus Q3)
  9. Gavurova, B., Belas, J., Bilan, Y., & Horak, J. (2020). Study of legislative and administrative obstacles to SMEs business in the czech republic and slovakia. Oeconomia Copernicana, 11(4), 689-719. doi:10.24136/OC.2020.028 (Scopus, Web of Science Q1)
  10. Omran, E. A. M., & Bilan, Y. (2020). The impact of fiscal policy on the unemployment rate in egypt. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 16(4), 199-209. doi:10.14254/1800-5845/2020.16-4.16 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  11. Pimonenko, T., Bilan, Y., Horák, J., Starchenko, L., & Gajda, W. (2020). Green brand of companies and greenwashing under sustainable development goals. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(4) doi:10.3390/su12041679 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  12. Prokopchuk, O., Prokopchuk, I., Mentel, G., & Bilan, Y. (2020). Parametric insurance as innovative development factor of the agricultural sector of economy. Agris on-Line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 12(3), 69-86. doi:10.7160/aol.2020.120307 (Scopus, Q3)
  13. Kasperowicz, R., Bilan, Y., & Štreimikienė, D. (2020). The renewable energy and economic growth nexus in european countries. Sustainable Development, 28(5), 1086-1093. doi:10.1002/sd.2060 (Scopus, Web of Science Q1)
  14. Guo, Y., Hu, Y., Shi, K., & Bilan, Y. (2020). Valuation of water resource green efficiency based on SBM-TOBIT panel model: Case study from henan province, china. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(17) doi:10.3390/SU12176944 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  15. Kotaskova, A., Belas, J., Bilan, Y., & Ajaz Khan, K. (2020). Significant aspects of managing personnel risk in the SME sector. Management and Marketing, 15(2), 203-218. doi:10.2478/mmcks-2020-0013 (Scopus Q3)
  16. Fang, Z., Bai, H., & Bilan, Y. (2020). Evaluation research of green innovation efficiency in china’s heavy polluting industries. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(1) doi:10.3390/SU12010146 Scopus, Web of Science, Q1
  17. Danalakshmi, D., Gopi, R., Hariharasudan, A., Otola, I., & Bilan, Y. (2020). Reactive power optimization and price management in microgrid enabled with blockchain. Energies, 13(23) doi:10.3390/en13236179 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  18. Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., & Bilan, Y. (2020). Model of optimization ofwind energy production in the light of legal changes in poland. Energies, 13(7) doi:10.3390/en13071557
  19. Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., Drożdż, W., Bilan, Y., & Kasperowicz, R. (2020). Sustainable regional energy planning: The case of hydro. Sustainable Development, 28(6), 1652-1662. doi:10.1002/sd.2114 (Scopus, Web of Science Q1)
  20. Vorontsova, A., Vasylieva, T., Bilan, Y., Ostasz, G., & Mayboroda, T. (2020). The influence of state regulation of education for achieving the sustainable development goals: Case study of central and eastern european countries.Administratie Si Management Public, 2020(34), 6-26. doi:10.24818/amp/2020.34-01 (Scopus Q2)
  21. Kotaskova, A., Belas, J., Bilan, Y., & Khan, K. A. (2020). Significant Aspects of Managing Personnel Risk in the SME Sector. Management & Marketing Challenges for the Knowledge Society, 15(2), 203-218. (Web of Science) –
  22. Chygryn, O., Bilan, Y., & Kwilinski, A. (2020). Stakeholders of Green Competitiveness: Innovative Approaches for Creating Communicative System. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 358-370. https://doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2020.3-26 (Web of Science) –
  23. Rubanov, P. M., Lieonov, S. V., Bilan, Y. V., & Liulov, O. V. (2019). The Fintech sector as a driver of private entrepreneurship development in time of industry 4.0. Conference proceedings: The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Job Creation (Web of Science).
  24. Tiutiunyk, I., Vasylieva, T., Bilan, Y., Kovalenko, E. (2020). The Impact of Industry 4.0 On The Level of Shadow Employment. The Impact Of Industry 4.0 On Job Creation 2019: Proceedings of scientific papers from the international scientific conference. Slovak Republic: Publishing House Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín, 405-413. (Web of Science).
  25. Bilan, Y., Hussain, H. I., Haseeb, M., & Kot, S. (2020). Sustainability and economic performance: Role of organizational learning and innovation.Engineering Economics, 31(1), 93-103. doi:10.5755/j01.ee.31.1.24045 (Scopus, Q2)
  26. Vasylieva T., Lyulyov O., Pimonenko T., Vojtovič S., Bilan Y. Financial, socio-economic, environmental and public health patterns of creating regional roadmaps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2020. Vol. 4, № 35. https://mmi.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/2020/4/11-25. https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/83835 (Web of Science)
  27. Belas, J., Amoah, J., Petrakova, Z., Kljuchnikava, Y., Bilan, Y. (2020). Selected Factors of SMEs Management in the Service Sector. Journal of Tourism And Services, 2020, 11(21), 129-146. doi:10.29036/jots.v11i21.215 (Web of Science).
  28. Lyeonov, S., Bilan, Y., Rubanov, P., Dovaliene, A., Marjanski, A. (2020). Correlation Links of Innovations in Financial Services and Business Environment Development. Proceedings of the 35th International-Business-Information-Management-Association Conference (IBIMA): EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: A 2025 VISION TO SUSTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DURING GLOBAL CHALLENGES. 2020. 8498-8513. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000661127409004 (Web of Science)
  29. Kostiukevych, R., Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Sulkowska, J., Kostiukevych, A. (2020). Possibilities of Integration of Strategic and Project Management in The Supporting System of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses at Local and Regional Levels. Proceedings of the 35th International-Business-Information-Management-Association Conference (IBIMA): EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: A 2025 VISION TO SUSTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DURING GLOBAL CHALLENGES. 2020. 9253-9265. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000661127409074 (Web of Science)
  30. Vasylieva, TBilan, Y ,  Starchenko, LWozniak, A. (2020). Green Intellectual Capital for Sustainable Business Model: Bibliometric Analysis. Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0, 1-12 April 2020, Seville, Spain, p. 9446-9458. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000661489800008 (Web of Science)
  31. Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., Bilan, Y. (2020). Model of Optimization of Wind Energy Production in the Light of Legal Changes in Poland. Energies, 2020, 13(7), 1557. doi:10.3390/en13071557 (Web of Sciemce, Scopus Q2)


  1. Bilan, Y., Brychko, M., Buriak, A., & Vasilyeva, T. (2019). Financial, business and trust cycles: The issues of synchronization. [Ciklusi financiranja, poslovanja i povjerenja: pitanja za sinkronizaciju] Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakultet Au Rijeci, 37(1), 113-138. doi:10.18045/zbefri.2019.1.113 (WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  2. Bilan, Y., Кuzmenko, Ð., & Boiko, A. (2019). Research on the impact of industry 4.0 on entrepreneurship in various countries worldwide. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, 2373-2384. (WOS, Scopus)
  3. Bilan, Y., Lyeonov, S., Lyulyov, O., & Pimonenko, T. (2019). Brand management and macroeconomic stability of the country. [Zarządzanie marką i stabilność makroekonomiczna kraju] Polish Journal of Management Studies, 19(2), 61-74. doi:10.17512/pjms.2019.19.2.05 (WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  4. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., Samoliuk, N., & Grishnova, O. (2019). ICT and economic growth: Links and possibilities of engaging. Intellectual Economics, 13(1) doi:10.13165/IE-19-13-1-07 (Scopus, Q1)
  5. Bilan, Y., Raišienė, A. G., Vasilyeva, T., Lyulyov, O., & Pimonenko, T. (2019). Public governance efficiency and macroeconomic stability: Examining convergence of social and political determinants. Public Policy and Administration, 18(2), 241-255. doi:10.13165/VPA-19-18-2-05 (Scopus, Q3)
  6. Bilan, Y., Rubanov, P., Vasylieva, T., & Lyeonov, S. (2019). The influence of industry 4.0 on financial services: Determinants of alternative finance development. [Wpływ przemysłu 4.0 na usługi finansowe: determinanty rozwoju alternatywnych finansów] Polish Journal of Management Studies, 19(1), 70-93. doi:10.17512/pjms.2019.19.1.06(WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  7. Bilan, Y., Sergi, B. S., Simionescu, M., & Simionescu, M. (2019). Migration expectations and geography of post-soviet ukraine. Oeconomia Copernicana, 10(4), 603-625. doi:10.24136/oc.2019.029 (Scopus, Web of Science Q1)
  8. Bilan, Y., Simionescu, M., Mentel, G., & Rozsa, Z. (2019). The role of education, individual and economic factors in entrepreneurial initiatives: A microeconomic approach for the czech republic, slovakia and poland. E a M: Ekonomie a Management, 22(4), 85-102. doi:10.15240/tul/001/2019-4-006 (WOS, Scopus, Q2)
  9. Bilan, Y., Simionescu, M., Vojtovic, S., & Zapototskyi, S. (2019). The impact of religiosity on individual perception of wellbeing and living standards: A cross-cultural study on selected developing economies. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 27(4), 347-358. doi:10.25133/JPSSv27n4.023 (Scopus, Q3)
  10. Bilan, Y., Streimikiene, D., Vasylieva, T., Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., & Pavlyk, A. (2019). Linking between renewable energy, CO2 emissions, and economic growth: Challenges for candidates and potential candidates for the EU membership. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(6) doi:10.3390/su11061528 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  11. Bilan, Y., Vasilyeva, T., Kryklii, O., & Shilimbetova, G. (2019). The creative industry as a factor in the development of the economy: Dissemination of european experience in the countries with economies in transition. [Kūrybinė industrija kaip ekonomikos plėtros veiksnys: Europietiškosios patirties sklaida pereinamojo laikotarpio ekonomikos šalyse] Creativity Studies, 12(1), 75-101. doi:10.3846/cs.2019.7453 (Scopus, Q2)
  12. Bilan, Y., Vasilyeva, T., Lyeonov, S., & Bagmet, K. (2019). Institutional complementarity for social and economic development. Business: Theory and Practice, 20, 103-115. doi:10.3846/BTP.2019.10 (Scopus Q3)
  13. Bilan, Y., Vasilyeva, T., Lyulyov, O., & Pimonenko, T. (2019). EU vector of ukraine development: Linking between macroeconomic stability and social progress. International Journal of Business and Society, 20(2), 433-450. (Wos, Scopus, Q3)
  14. Bilan, Y., Vasylieva, T., Lyeonov, S., & Tiutiunyk, I. (2019). Shadow economy and its impact on demand at the investment market of the country. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 7(2), 27-43. doi:10.15678/EBER.2019.070202 (Scopus, Web of Science Q2)
  15. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). The impact of biodiesel consumption by transport on economic growth in the european union. Engineering Economics, 30(1), 50-58. doi:10.5755/j01.ee.30.1.21831 (Scopus, Q2)
  16. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., & Gędek, S. (2019). Migration determinants and potential impact of brexit on migration from the CEE countries to the UK. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 16(7), 95-113. doi:10.12700/APH.16.7.2019.7.6 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  17. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., Gedek, S., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). The effects of greenhouse gas emissions on cereal production in the european union. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(12) doi:10.3390/su10023433 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  18. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., Krajňáková, E., Streimikiene, D., & Gȩdek, S. (2019). Renewable energy in the electricity sector and gdp per capita in the european union. Energies, 12(13) doi:10.3390/en12132520
  19. Vasylieva, T., Lyulyov, O., Bilan, Y., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). Sustainable economic development and greenhouse gas emissions: The dynamic impact of renewable energy consumption, GDP, and corruption. Energies, 12(17) doi:10.3390/en12173289 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  20. Veveris, A., Šapolaite, V., Raišiene, A. G., & Bilan, Y. (2019). How rural development programmes serve for viability of small farms? case of latvia and lithuania. Agris on-Line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 11(2), 103-113. doi:10.7160/AOL.2019.110210 (Scopus, Q3)
  21. Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Korsakiene, R., Raišiene, A. G., & Bilan, Y. (2019). IT2 hybrid decision-making approach to performance measurement of internationalized firms in the baltic states. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(2) doi:10.3390/su11010296 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  22. Grenčíková, A., Bilan, Y., Samusevych, Y., & Vysochyna, A. (2019). Drivers and inhibitors of entrepreneurship development in central and eastern european countries. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, 2536-2547. (Wos, Scopus)
  23. Havrysh, V., Nitsenko, V., Bilan, Y., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). Assessment of optimal location for a centralized biogas upgrading facility. Energy and Environment, 30(3), 462-480. doi:10.1177/0958305X18793110 (Wos, Scopus, Q2)
  24. Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., & Bilan, Y. (2019). EU carbon emissions market development and its impact on penetration of renewables in the power sector. Energies, 12(15) doi:10.3390/en12152961 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  25. Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., & Bilan, Y. (2019). The concept of risk and possibilities of application of mathematical methods in supporting decision making for sustainable energy development. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(4) doi:10.3390/su11041018 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)
  26. Mishchuk, H., Samoliuk, N., & Bilan, Y. (2019). Measuring social justice in the light of effectiveness of public distributive policy. Administratie Si Management Public, 2019(32), 63-76. doi:10.24818/amp/2019.32-05 (Scopus Q2)
  1. Tkachenko, O., Bilan, J., & Drobyazko, M. (2019). The rural sector sensitivity on cyclical fluctuation: evidence from oecd members and post-socialist countriesthe rural sector sensitivity on cyclical fluctuation: evidence from oecd members and post-socialist countries.Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development41(1), 87-101. (Web of Science).-
  2. Financial, business and trust cycles: the issues of synchronization [Text] / Y. Bilan, M. Brychko, A. Buriak, T. Vasilyeva // Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci. –2019. – Vol. 37 (1). – P. 113-138. –https://doi.org/10.18045/zbefri.2019.1.113 (Web of Science, Q4)


  1. Bilan, Y., Gedek, S., & Mentel, G. (2018). The analysis of oil price and ruble exchange rate. [Naftos kainų ir rublio kurso tyrimas] Transformations in Business and Economics, 17(3), 195-205. (Scopus Q2)
  2. Bilan, Y., Lyeonov, S., Stoyanets, N., & Vysochyna, A. (2018). The impact of environmental determinants of sustainable agriculture on country food security. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 21(5-6), 289-305. doi:10.1504/IJETM.2018.100580 (Scopus Q4)
  3. Bilan, Y., Lyeonov, S., Vasylieva, T., & Samusevych, Y. (2018). Does tax competition for capital define entrepreneurship trends in eastern europe? Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, (27), 34-66. doi:10.24193/OJMNE.2018.27.02 (Scopus Q3)
  4. Danaj, A., Lazányi, K., & Bilan, Y. (2018). Perceptions and implications of immigration in france – economic, social, political and cultural perspectives. Economics and Sociology, 11(3), 226-247. doi:10.14254/2071-789X.2018/11-3/14 (Scopus, Web of Science Q2)
  5. Mishchuk, H., Samoliuk, N., Bilan, Y., & Streimikiene, D. (2018). Income inequality and its consequences within the framework of social justice. [Nierówności dochodów i ich konsekwencje w kontekście sprawiedliwości społecznej] Problemy Ekorozwoju, 13(2), 131-138. (Scopus, Web of Science Q3)
  6. Morkūnas, M., Volkov, A., Bilan, Y., & Raišienė, A. G. (2018). The role of government in forming agricultural policy: Economic resilience measuring index exploited. Administratie Si Management Public, 2018(31), 111-131. doi:10.24818/amp/2018.31-08 (Scopus Q2)
  7. Nesterchuk, Y., Prokopchuk, O., Tsymbalyuk, Y., Rolinskyi, O., & Bilan, Y. (2018). Current status and prospects of development of the system of agrarian insurance in ukraine. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(3), 56-70. doi:10.21511/imfi.15(3).2018.05 (Scopus Q3)
  8. Raišienė, A. G., Podvezko, A., & Bilan, Y. (2018). Feasibility of stakeholder participation in organizations of common interest for agricultural policy making. [Udział interesariuszy w organizacjach będących przedmiotem wspólnego zainteresowania w zakresie tworzenia polityki rolnej] Polish Journal of Management Studies, 18(1), 277-295. doi:10.17512/pjms.2018.18.1.21 (WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  9. Rausser, G., Strielkowski, W., Bilan, Y., & Tsevukh, Y. (2018). Migrant remittances and their impact on the economic development of the baltic states. Geographica Pannonica, 22(3), 165-175. doi:10.5937/gp22-16988 (WOS, Scopus, Q2)
  10. Simionescu, M., Balcerzak, A. P., Bilan, Y., & Kotásková, A. (2018). The impact of money on output in czech republic and romania. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 19(1), 20-41. doi:10.3846/jbem.2018.1480  (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)


  1. Bilan, Y., Gavurova, B., Stanisław, G., & Tkacova, A. (2017). The composite coincident indicator (CCI) for business cycles. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 14(7), 71-90. doi:10.12700/APH.14.7.2017.7.5 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  2. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., & Dzhyhar, T. (2017). Human capital factors and remuneration: Analysis of relations, modelling of influence. Business: Theory and Practice, 18, 208-214. doi:10.3846/btp.2017.022 (Scopus Q3)
  3. Bilan, Y., Mishchuk, H., & Pylypchuk, R. (2017). Towards sustainable economic development via social entrepreneurship. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6(4), 691-702. doi:10.9770/jssi.2017.6.4(13) (Scopus Q2)
  4. Bilan, Y., Nitsenko, V., & Havrysh, V. (2017). Energy aspect of vertical integration in agriculture. [Aspekt energetyczny intergracji wertykalnej w rolnictwie] Rynek Energii, 132(5), 98-110. (Scopus, Q4)
  5. Bilan, Y., Nitsenko, V., Ushkarenko, I., Chmut, A., & Sharapa, O. (2017). Outsourcing in international economic relations. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 13(3), 175-185. doi:10.14254/1800-5845/2017.13-3.14 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  6. Bilan, Y., Strielkowski, W., Karbach, R., & Mentel, G. (2017). Secure development of country and competitiveness issues: Case of germany’s energy security. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6(3), 329-342. doi:10.9770/jssi.2017.6.3(1) (Scopus Q2)
  7. Drachkovich, M. V., Drachkovich, V. D., & Bilan, Y. V. (2017). Social institutional factors of slow-down: The case of south-east European countries development. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 2017-January(4), 107-115. (Wos, Scopus, Q2)
  8. Koraus, A., Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., & Schönfeld, J. (2017). The impact of monetary variables on the economic growth and sustainable development: Case of selected countries. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6(3), 383-390. doi:10.9770/jssi.2017.6.3(5) (Scopus Q2)
  9. Korzh, N., Mostenska, T., & Bilan, Y. (2017). Resource-based view in managing financial component of corporate capital. [Podejście zasobowe w zarządzaniu składnikiem finansowym kapitału przedsiębiorstwa] Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16(2), 133-146. doi:10.17512/pjms.2017.16.2.12 (WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  10. Moroz, S., Nagyova, L., Bilan, Y., Horska, E., & Polakova, Z. (2017). The current state and prospects of trade relations between ukraine and the european union: The visegrad vector. Economic Annals-XXI, 163(1-2), 14-21. doi:10.21003/ea.V163-03 (Scopus, Web of Science Q3)
  11. Strielkowski, W., & Bilan, Y. (2017). Economics of electricity pricing and consumer protection. Economic Annals-XXI, 162(11-12), 28-31. doi:10.21003/ea.V162-06 (Scopus, Web of Science Q3)
  12. Strielkowski, W., Štreimikienė, D., & Bilan, Y. (2017). Network charging and residential tariffs: A case of household photovoltaics in the united kingdom. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 461-473. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.04.029 (Scopus Q1)
  13. Bilan, Y., Zos-Kior, M., Nitsenko, V., Sinelnikau, U., & Ilin, V. (2017). Social component in sustainable management of land resources. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 7(2), 107-120. doi:10.9770/jssi.2017.7.2(9) (Scopus Q2)
  14. Bilan, Y. V., & Dernkiv, Y. B. (2017). On the threshold of the ‘union of closed doors’: A social portrait of ukrainian eurooptimists and eurosceptics. Monitoring Obshchestvennogo Mneniya: Ekonomicheskie i Sotsial’Nye Peremeny, 3(139), 103-115. doi:10.14515/monitoring.2017.3.07 (Scopus Q2)
  15. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., & Mentel, G. (2017). Economic effects of migration from poland to the UK. Amfiteatru Economic, 19(46), 757-770. (Scopus, WOS Q2)
  16. Simionescu, M., Bilan, Y., Smrčka, L., & Vincúrová, Z. (2017). The effects of european economic integration and the impact of brexit on the UK immigrants from the CEE countries. E a M: Ekonomie a Management, 20(1), 29-46. doi:10.15240/tul/001/2017-1-003 (WOS, Scopus, Q2)
  17. Lazányi, K., & Bilan, Y. (2017). Generetion z on the labour market – do they trust others within their workplace? [Pokolenie z na rynku pracy – Czy w swoim miejscu pracy ufają innym?] Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16(1), 78-93. doi:10.17512/pjms.2017.16.1.07 (WOS, Scopus, Q3)
  18. Gasparėnienė, L., Bilan, Y., Remeikienė, R., Ginevičius, R., & Čepel, M. (2017). The methodology of digital shadow economy estimation. [Metodika předpovědi digitální šedé ekonomiky] E a M: Ekonomie a Management, 20(4), 20-33. doi:10.15240/tul/001/2017-4-002(WOS, Scopus, Q2)
  19. Simionescu, M., Albu, L. -., Raileanu Szeles, M., & Bilan, Y. (2017). The impact of biofuels utilisation in transport on the sustainable development in the european union. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 23(4), 667-686. doi:10.3846/20294913.2017.1323318 (Scopus, Web of Science Q2)
  20. Varanavicius, V., Navikaite, A., Bilan, Y., & Strielkowski, W. (2017). Analysis of consumer behaviour in regional energy consumption. Economy of Region, 13(1), 147-156. doi:10.17059/2017-1-14 (Scopus Q2)
  21. Samoilyk, I., Nitsenko, V., & Bilan, I. (2017). Conceptual modeling of agri-food market development under economy’s globalization. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, № 3 (11), Р. 54-61 DOI: 10.25140/2410-9576-2017-1-3(11)-54-61 (Web of Science) 

Chygryn, O., Bilan, Y., & Kwilinski, A. (2020). Stakeholders of Green Competitiveness: Innovative Approaches for Creating Communicative System. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 358-370. https://doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2020.3-26 (Web of Science)


  1. Drożdż, W., Bilan, Y., Rabe, M., Streimikiene, D., & Pilecki, B. (2022). Optimizing biomass energy production at the municipal level to move to low-carbon energy. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76 doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103417  (Scopus, Web of Science, Q1)


  1. Rybaczewska, M., Sulkowski, L., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Covid-19 pandemic and independent convenience stores in the united kingdom. Engineering Economics, 32(3), 258-265. doi:10.5755/j01.ee.32.3.28360 (Scopus, Q2)
  2. Baskutis, S., Baskutiene, J., Navickas, V., Bilan, Y., & Cieśliński, W. (2021). Perspectives and problems of using renewable energy sources and implementation of local “green” initiatives: A regional assessment. Energies, 14(18) doi:10.3390/en14185888 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  3. Bilan, Y., Chudy-Laskowska, K., Szczygieł, E., & Piecuch, T. (2021). People’s behavior, in the context of living standards changes and sustainable development, exemplified by the carpathian euroregion. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 18(2), 105-125. doi:10.12700/APH.18.2.2021.2.6 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  4. Jurkowska-Gomułka, A., Kurczewska, K., & Bilan, Y. (2021). Corporate social responsibility in public administration. case of polish central administrative institutions. Administratie Si Management Public, 2021(36), 116-133. doi:10.24818/AMP/2021.36-07 (Scopus Q2)
  5. Ginevičius, R., Bilan, Y., Kądzielawski, G., Novotny, M., & Kośmider, T. (2021). Evaluation of the sectoral energy development intensity in the euro area countries. Energies, 14(17) doi:10.3390/en14175298 (Scopus, Web of Science, Q2)
  6. Kalmakova, D., Bilan, Y., Zhidebekkyzy, A., & Sagiyeva, R. (2021). Commercialization of conventional and sustainability-oriented innovations: A comparative systematic literature review. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(1), 340-353. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(1).2021.29 (Scopus Q3)


  1. Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Bilan, Yu. (2020). Path from environmental, social and economic contradictions to convergent model: forecast of the macroeconomic stability: monograph. Szczecin: Centre of Sociological Research, 2020. – 126 p. 


  1. Bilan, Y. 2017. Migration of the Ukrainian Population: Economic, Institutional and Sociocultural Factors. London: Ubiquity Press. 

Підручники :

  1. Yu. Bilan, T. Bernat, J. Korpysa, B. Niemczynowicz, M. Łakomy-Zinowik Mikroekonomia : studia przypadków Vol 2. Szczecin: Katedra Mikroekonomii Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego 2014 
  2. Yu. Bilan, T. Bernat, G. Chojnacki, J. Korpysa, A. Mastalerz, M. Łakomy- Zinowik. Etyka biznesu studia przypadków. Szczecin: Katedra Mikroekonomii Uniwersytetu Szcze-cińskiego 2014.