Scientific degree, title:

PhD in Economics


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing


Contact phone:  +38 0542 665-143, 5274
Office К2-126

Main disciplines:

Маркетингова товарна політика
Інформаційні системи в маркетингу
Управління клієнтським досвідом
Основи біржової діяльності
Управління продажами та збутом

Research interests:

Renewable energy sources, carbon-neutral economy, green energy.

Scientific projects:

Senior Research. “Post-war restoration of the energy industry of Ukraine: optimization of waste management taking into account the health of the population, environmental, investment, tax determinants” (Ph.D. No. 0123U100112), All-Ukrainian. Sumy State University/Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2023-2025
Senior Research.
“Green investment: co-integration model of transmission ESG effects in the chain “green brand of Ukraine – social responsibility of business” (no. Ph.D. 0121U100468), All-Ukrainian. Sumy State University/Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2021-2023
Executor of “Transfer of green innovations in the energy sector of Ukraine: a multiplicative stochastic model of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ph.D. No. 0122U000769), 2022-2024 Author’s contribution: systematization of analytical materials regarding the functioning market of energy innovations.
Executor of “Simulation modeling of the trajectory of the influence of behavioral attractors on the macroeconomic stability of transparency and public trust” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ph.D. No. 0121U100469), 2021-2023 Author’s contribution: systematization of analytical data to determine the trajectories of the influence of behavioral attractors for macroeconomic stability.
Executor of “Innovative transformations in the energy sector for sustainable development and national security: smart technologies and environmental responsibility” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ph.D. No. 0122U000788), 2022-2024 Author’s contribution: systematization of the development of the energy industry national economy in conditions of global and local security challenges during the transition to a climate neutral economy.
Executor of “Foresight forecasting of the sustainability of the national economy: from socio-ecological and economic contradictions to a convergent model”, 2017-2020 – Source of funding – the general fund of the state budget of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Education and work experience:

2023 – Certificate of attainment in modern languages – ECL. English. Level B2.
– Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration, PhD student, specialty 08.00.03 – Economics and Management of the National Economy.
2011-2014 – Sumy State University, specialty «Science of law», junior specialist.
2013-2014 – Sumy State University, specialty «Business Economics» as a specialist.
2009-2013 – Sumy State University, specialty «Business Economics», bachelor.

Certification training:

International programs:

 2016 internship at the summer school Web Science’16 (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany).
2013 internship in Poland (Bielsko-Biala).
2012 internship in Bulgaria (Varna, Burgas).


2015: diploma of the first degree at the All-Ukrainian thesis competition for students of higher educational institutions in the specialty “Enterprise Economics”.