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Visegrad Fund

Carbon-Free Economy: Best Practices of V4 and Ukraine

The project is co-financed by the governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to promote ideas of sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Project Team from Sumy State University

Project Partners:

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Online Course: EU Carbon-Free Economy: a New Model of Economic Growth

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Project Implementation

Project Goal:

spreading best European practices of a carbon-neutral economy among young scientists by forming interdisciplinary scientific networks

Project Activities:

  1. Scientific Online Festival “The Carbon-Free Economy under the EU View”
  2. Scientific Online Festival “V4-Ukraine Green Energy Collaboration towards Carbon-Free Economy”

Project News:

  • We receive congratulations Link
  • Start of the Visegrad+ Grant Project Link
  • Participation in the International Scientific Conference Link
  • Participation in the III International Postgraduate Seminar Link
  • The successful first online scientific festival Link
  • Preliminary meeting under the Visegrad Grant Project Link
  • We did it – the second online scientific festival concluded Link
  • Successful implementation of the international project Link

2021 Year

main events

01.10.2021 – StartUp зустріч
06.12.2021-09.12.2021Науковий онлайн-фестиваль “The Carbon-Free Economy under the EU View”
Are you a doctoral student or a young researcher interested in carbon-free economic development?
We invite you and all interested individuals to participate in the scientific online festival “The Carbon-Free Economy from the EU Perspective.” ?
? From December 6 to 9, 2021, EU-oriented experts from the V4 countries and Ukraine will provide you with fundamental knowledge on EU policy regarding green energy for developing a carbon-free economy at the regional level.
? Don’t miss the opportunity to increase your environmental awareness and expand your international scientific network! Fill out the registration form now at
‼️ Application deadline – 01.12.2021

2022 Year

main events

10.10.2022-15.10.2022 – Joint and Discussion Meeting with Partners, Speakers, and Volunteer Lecturers
28.11.2022-30.11.2022Scientific Online Festival
“V4-Ukraine Green Energy Collaboration towards Carbon-Free Economy”
We once again invite PhD candidates or young scientists to participate in the online scientific festival. ? Topic: V4-Ukraine Cooperation in the Field of Green Energy on the Path to a Carbon-Free Economy ? When? November 28-30, 2022 ? Where? via the Zoom video conferencing platform ? Participation is free ? Certificates will be issued to all active participants ? Hurry up and fill out the form at: ‼️ Registration Deadline: November 25, 2022 ? For additional information, follow the link: The project is co-funded by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia through #Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of #VisegradFund is to promote sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Lectures, Practical Assignments, Supporting Materials

Topic: The Carbon-free Economy: Trends and Targets, Lecturers - Tetiana Pimonenko & Alexei Lyulov

Topic: Decarbonisation of Energy in the European Union by 2050, Lecturer - Judit Oláh

Video Lecture: Mathematical Model of Distributed Energy Production, Speakers - Marcin Rabe & Pawet Miazek

Topic: Targets for Green Energy under Sustainable Development Goals: Achievements in V4 and Ukraine, Lecturers - Tetiana Pimonenko & Alexei Lyulov

Practical Assignment: The Way to Achieve a Carbon-Free Economy: Research Trends

Workshop: Using the bibliometric analysis for detecting trends in the investigations, Speaker - Yana Us

E-learning Course: ​EU Carbon-Free Economy: a New Model ​of Economic Growth

Download the Certificate confirming your participation in scientific festivals

Speakers, Guest Lecturers, and Experts