Scientific degree, title:


Head of the Department of Marketing, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing

Research interests:

Green Marketing, Green Brand, Green Investment, Green Economics, Green Bonds, Alternative Energy Resources; Environmental Management and Audit in Corporate Sector of Economy, Sustainable Development and Education

Supervisor of PhD students and Dr.Sc. who pathed thesis:

Samoilikova Anastasia
Theme: Financial policy of providing the innovation development of Ukraine. 
Abstract of thesis
Zyabina Evgeniya
Theme: Determinants of enhancing energy efficiency of the national economy. 
Abstract of thesis
Goncharenko Tetyana
Theme: The Methodology of formation and Realizing of Bank Business Strategy.
Abstract of thesis

Scientific projects:

Scientific Supervisor:
  • "Modelling and foresighting environmental, behavioural, and institutional patterns of carbon-free development for energy security of Ukraine" (№ д/р 0122U001155, ID 2021.01/0232, financing - National Research Foundation of Ukraine, 2022-2023)
  • The transfer of green innovations in the energy sector of Ukraine: a multiplicative stochastic model of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy (0122U000769), 2022-2024.
  • “Stochastic modelling of road map for harmonizing national and European standards for energy market regulation in the transition to a circular and carbon-free economy” (0120U104807, National Research Foundation of Ukraine project, 2020-2021 years)
Responsible executor:
  • "Green investing: cointegration model of transmission ESG effects in the chain "green brand of Ukraine - social responsibility of business" (0121U100468, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2021-2023 years
  • "Modeling mechanisms for minimizing energy efficiency gaps in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals: a communicative network of stakeholder interaction" (0120U102002, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2020-2022 years. 
  • “Foresight-forecasting the stability of the national economy: from socio-ecological and economic contradictions to the convergent model" (0117U003932, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2017-2020 years.

  • "Economic-mathematical modelling and forecasting, development of methodological and methodic principles for the creation of a road map for reforming the health care system in Ukraine, taking into account behavioural, social, economic and legal determinants" (funding of the Ministry of Education and Culture, April 16, 2021, No. 434, Agreement BF/24-2021)
  • “Causal Modeling of Stakeholder Collaboration in Green Production: Congruence of Socio-Ecological and Economic Contradictions” (0119U101860, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2019-2021 years.
  • “Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility for Sustainable Development: Partnership of Stakeholders in the Real, Financial and Public Sectors of the Economy” (0117U003933, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2017-2020 years.
  • “Economic-mathematical modelling of the mechanism for restoring public trust in the financial sector: a guarantee for the economic security of Ukraine” (0117U003924, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2017-2020 years.
  • “Organizational and economic mechanisms for stimulating renewable energy development in Ukraine” (0117U002254, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Education and work experience:

2021–Present: Guest Editor of Special Issue Frontiers in Environmental Science,"Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Business Models and Institutional Contexts" (обліковується Scopus, Web of Sciences (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE))
membership European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS).
2021–Present: Guest Editor of Special Issue "Green Economics and Sustainable Management of Energy Sources", Energies, (Scopus and Web of Sciences (Science Citation Index Expanded))
membership International Social Marketing Association
2020–Present: Scholars of Cabinet Ministry of Ukraine for Young Scientists
26 April 2020:
 Doctor of Science in Economics, speciality: Economics and Management of Enterprises
28 Aug 2020Present: Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine)
1 Nov 2018–5 Nov 2019: Doctoral program graduation. Dr. Sc. thesis “Marketing and Management of Green Investment”, speciality: Economics and Management of Enterprises.
2018 – Present: Deputy Editor-in-Chief SJ “Marketing and Management of Innovations (Web of Science)
2020–Present: Editor-in-Chief "Health Economics and Management Review"
05 Jul 2020–Present: membership European Organization of Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies.
2020–Present: Membership of Editorial Board "Environmental & Socio-economic Studies", Section’s Editor "Economics and Sustainable Development" (Scopus and Web of Science).
Membership of Editorial Board Organizacija (Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources) (Scopus and Web of Science).
Associate Editor of HighTech and Innovation Journal (Certificate)
2020–Present: Membership of Editorial Board "Economics and Culture"
2020–Present: Membership of Editorial Board "Forum Scientiae Oeconomia(Scopus)
2017–Present: Membership of Editorial Board "SocioEconomic Challenges (SEC)"
2013–2019: Membership of Editorial Board the International Scientific Journal "Mechanism of Economic Regulation".
2019–28 Aug 2020: Associate Professor, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration Department, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine).
2018–Present: Membership of Editorial Board International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS).
2015–2018: Senior lecturer, Economics and Business Administration Department, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine).
2014–Present: Deputy Director for International Activity, Balatsky Academic and Scientific Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine)
2012–2015: Assistant Professor, Economics and Business Administration Department, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine).
25 Apr 2013: PhD in Economics (№ 013384)
1 Oct 2009–30 Oct 2012: PhD program graduation. PhD thesis: “Organizational and economic bases of environmental audit in the corporate sector”, speciality: Economy of Natural Resources and Environment, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine).
1 Sep 2008–30 Jun 2009: Master of Economy of the Enterprise, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine).
1 Sep 2004–30 Jun 2008: Bachelor of Economy of the Enterprise, Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine). 

The reviewer of the Scientific Journals:  "Energies", "Marketing and Management of Innovations", "Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series", "Organizacija (Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources)», International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS), HighTech and Innovation Journal, Sustainability 

2024 -  training
"Creating a website on CMS WordPress" (№ 05408289/1321-24, 1 ECTS, 30 hours, 04/16/2024 to 04/23/2024)
2022 - training"Academic integrity as a driving force for improving the quality of higher education: cases of accreditation examination" (№101048055-14-230, 0,5 ECTS, 15 hours, 14-16 July 2022 р.)
2022 –
online conference SendPulse Email marketing
17.05.21-26.05.21 - 
«Quantitative and qualitative sociological methods in the work of scientists» (СП №05408289/1793-21, 1,0 ECTS, 30 hours, 2021)
Seminar of project winnersErasmus+ Jean Monet: how to successfully implement the project (0,2 ECTS, 6 hours, 2020 year) 
11.02.2021-15.05.2021: Global Virtual Professional Development Program "Excellence in Teaching & Research" (Washington State University and Sumy State University)
22.04.2021: SciVal for researchers - grants, how to use bibliometric data in grant processes
22.04.2021: UN Sustainable Development Goals - how to analyze bibliometricindicators?
16.11.2021 - online conference from the SendPulse "Online sales 5.0"
20.10.2021 - учасник онлайн-конференції E-commerce conference (Send Pulse), 2020. 

Supervisor of PhD student, Doctoral Students and Students:

PhD Students: Dubina Oleksii, Makerska Viktoria, Us Yana, Bruce Felix 

Doctoral Students: Honcharenko Tetyana

Сontract-based research

"Scientific conclusion" Economic justification for the artificial creation of restrictions on further sustainable development of the settlement by establishing in the development of its master plans, zoning plans and detailed plans of the maximum allowable height (storeys) of housing from the existing population and classification "(Getz I. V., agreement № 104 dated 01.06.2018)

"Assessment and development of proposals to improve search engine optimization" (Limited Liability Company "DIAS TIM", agreement № 53.19-2020.СП / 01 from 16.03.2020)

"Development of the web site of the Congress Center of Sumy State University. SEO", 2020

Guest Lecturer:

24.04.2024-26.04.2023 Lecture "EU policy for small and medium enterprises" at Riga Technical University, Latvia
Lecture “Bibliometric analysis: instruments and core stage, principal and instruments” at EKA University of Applied Science within Erasmus+
29.11.2021-05.12.2021 UNDP 
Training "Digital Technologies in VET: modern trends and prospects" (EU-UN Joint Programme on Improving Vocational Education);
Training at Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS) “Consumer behaviour & Digitalization”;
25.10.2021-30.11.2021: Training at Stanislaw Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Pila “Digital Marketing: Trends and Features”;
11.02.2021-15.05.2021: Global Virtual Professional Development Program "Excellence in Teaching & Research" (Washington State University and Sumy State University).

Other activities (participation in public organizations, unions, etc.)

  • Public organization "Center for Civic Education and Business Initiatives" (EDRPOU: 41758950)


  • Honory Credential. The honorary researcher of the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Faculty of Economics, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (Alba Iulia, 6.12.2022)
  • Honory Credential.  The researcher of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (Chisinau, 06.12.2022).
  • Winner of the competition "The best teacher in the eyes of students of the 2021-2022 academic year", Sumy State University
  • Winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical workers of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Economics and Management”, 2021-2022 (Diploma I), Sumy State University
  • Winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical workers at Sumy State University”, 2021-2022 (Diploma II), Sumy State University
  • Winner of the competition "Young Scientist of the Year" based on the results of activities in 2020 (Nomination "Management and Human Resources Management"), 2021
  • Winner of the competition "The best young scientists of Sumy State University", Sumy State University, 2021
  • Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific and pedagogical activities, 2021.
  • 3rd place at the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Economics and management of the national economy". Topic of the research paper: "Green brand of the country and its competitiveness" (student Shaforost Yu.)
  • 2nd place at the All-Ukrainian competition for diploma theses of students of higher educational institutions in the specialty "Economics of Entrepreneurship" at the educational and qualification level "Master" (Student O.A. Shynkarenko)
  • 1st place "Competition of cases in the field of economy, entrepreneurship, resource conservation and sustainable development"

International projects:

  • Visegrad Grant Fund «Carbon free-economy: the best practices between the V4 and Ukraine» 2021-2023
  • Jean Monnet Module 101048055-AICE-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH With Academic integrity to EU values: step by step to common Europe»
  • Grant from Academia Aurea (Czech Republic) «Health economics and COVID-19: consequences for inclusive and sustainable development» 2021
  • Jean Monnet Module 619999-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE «EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine» 2020-2023.
  • Jean Monnet Module 620232-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE «EU Carbon-free economy: best practices for Ukraine» 2020-2023.
  • «Operacjonalizacja zmiennych w badaniach nt. marketingu turystyki postindustrialnej – określenie zmiennych zależnych i niezależnych, hipotez badawczych, dobór próby badawczej», Сілезька Політехніка (Gliwice), 2020 р.
  • Jean Monnet Module 573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE on “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine”.
  • Grant for Young Scientists by the Ukrainian Government (2017-2020)
  • Ukrainian-Lithuanian project. "Development of institutional and economic basis for sustainable development and green economy forming at regional level for 2016-2017 years.
  • Grant from Academia Aurea (Czech Republic) «Busieness Risks of SMEs in Ukraine» 01 June 2020 – 26 September 2020.
  • SCOPES IZ74Z0_160564 Switzerland National Scientific Fund (SNF) within the program of cooperation between Switzerland and Western European CountriesSCOPES IZ74Z0_160564 “Increase of the energetic security through Switzerland-Ukrainian-Estonian institutional partnership”

International programs:

Training in University of Arkansas  "Fundamentals of COIL Design and Facilitation for University of Arkansas" (20 hours, April, 2024)
in WSB University "Reinvention of European energy security within SDGs: the role of Ukraine”, (Dabrova Gornicza, Poland, 5.12-13.12.2022)
in WSB University, Erasmus+, (Dabrova Gornicza, Poland, 1.10-10.10.2022)
in "Modern business and marketing technologies: European experience", 40 hours, Firma Handlowo-Uslugowa "ROSLIN" (Poland, 1-10 October 2022)
in Stanislaw Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Pila "Trends in Marketing Research" (Pila, Poland), 150 годин (м. Познань, Польща, 14.04-14.05.2021).
in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Marketing Research: Cognitive Technologies”, 150 hours (Poznan, Poland, 15 September – 15 October 2020).
Training in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Trends in Marketing Research”, (Poznan, Poland, March-April 2020).
Training in University of Nebraska "Teaching Strategies for Virtual Classrooms Faculty Development Program” (Virtual class, USA,2020)
Scholarship holders of Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (MA, USA, 2018-2019);
Scholarship holders of Latvian Government (Riga Technical University, 2018);
Scholarship holders of ITEC Program (India, 2018);
Scholarship holders of Erasmus+ program, University of Tartu (Estonia);
Training in Centre of Social Research (Igalo, Montenegro, 2018);
Scholarship holders of National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists (2017).
Training in Lithuanian at Kaunas University of Technology „Economic basis of sustainable development and green economy: issues for Lithuania and Ukraine" (2016).
Training at Bloomberg Institute. Course: Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) (2016).
Training in Israeli Parliament, Jerusalem: "Greening of Parliaments – theoretical and practical issues for the Israeli Knesset and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" (2016).
Training in Poland: Education for Sustainable Development "Engaging higher education in local and global challenges" (2016), "Scientific research with students at University: EU experience" (2016); "The European experience of organization the scientific, pedagogical and social work in Universities" (2015).
Training in Georgia, the Netherlands, Latvia.

Organization committee of the conference

2021 year

2020 year