How many times a day each of us looks at Telegram channels? Indeed, Telegram has long since changed its status from an ordinary messenger to a new information space where it is possible to build an interesting communication with its customers.

On September 28, students of the third and fifth years of the marketing specialty within the disciplines of Maria MINCHENKO ("Digital Marketing", groups MK-11, MK-11-2, "Digital Marketing: advanced course, groups MK.m-31, MK.m-32) were able to hear practical recommendations from the founder of the "Trukha Ukraine" telegram channel Maksym LAVRYNENKA "How to independently develop a telegram channel and their role in the modern world."

How the target audience of 2.7 million subscribers was formed, the concept of the news feed, content support tools and much more allowed us to look at the traditional use of messengers in digital marketing in a different way.

Thank you for 2 hours of rich communication and we hope for more interesting meetings in the future.