From May 20 to 28, 2024, second-year marketing student Anastasia BUDIONNA took part in the "Minimalist living project" youth exchange in Vilnius (Lithuania).

The project aims to promote a minimalist approach as an alternative solution to shopping addiction and thus reduce unnecessary purchases.

Participants from 6 countries: Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain shared their own experience, culture and worked together on the topic of the project.

Anastasia: "The theme of minimalism had personal and professional value for me, because I am currently studying at the department of marketing, and in this field, minimalist trends are gaining more and more popularity.

On this project, such topics as: minimalism in general, minimalistic nutrition in view of expenses, oniomania, freeganism, effective budgeting, gift economy and other intermediate topics were revealed and worked out. In addition to lectures, we had the opportunity to work in teams and take part in various workshops. We always had lively discussions and were able to share our thoughts with others. And to increase our cheerfulness and activity, we had fun and sometimes very funny energizers.

In addition to the official part of the project, I cannot but comment on the rich cultural experience, because everyone shared their traditions, dances, songs, and food. Our Ukrainian stream will not be forgotten by any foreigner who joined our dance).

In general, I would like to note that this youth exchange not only improved my professional skills in this topic, but also helped me make new friends, get to know a new culture and overcome my fears about the language barrier. Currently, this is my fourth youth exchange, and I really feel more ease in communicating in English, which has always been quite difficult for me."