Marathon 100 Leaders

From October 13th to October 18th, 1st year proactive master students of marketinghad the opportunity to take part in a three-day marathon of 18 online sessions "Re-Imagine the Future of Leadership". This summit was aimed to provide simple, quick and easy to put into action ideas to help come out of the crisis created by COVID-19. During these days, speakers (Pamay Bassey – Chief Learning Officer, Kraft Heinz; Whitney Johnson – CEO, WLJ Advisors; David B. Peterson - # 1 Executive Coach (previous Head of Coaching at Google) and others) provided valuable advice and detailed such problematic issues:

  • how to lead your team and organization through disruption and volatility;
  • to embrace diversity and inclusion as the future of leadership;
  • how to build teams and organizations that are prepared for what’s to come.