Jean Monnet Module  «EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine» 

Holders of the Jean Monnet Module

Programme: Erasmus+
Action: MODULE - Jean Monnet Module
Application number: 619999-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE
Title: EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine (EU4SMEs)
Funding: Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency

Tetyana Pimonenko
Dr. Sc., Professor

Oleksii Lyulyov
Dr. Sc., Professor

Project's implementation

Goals of Jean Monnet Module EU4SMEs

Goal: providing and sharing the knowledge of EU policy (ethics, culture, mechanisms, legislations and principals, etc.) to develop and support SMEs as a core element of economic development through developed three modules and annual summer training.
extending knowledge about EU values, ethics, and principles for creating and running businesses among students who are the basis of the future country’s development.

Content of Jean Monnet Module EU4SMEs

  1. EU policy for small and medium enterprises
  2. Introduction to EU policy for small and medium enterprises
  3. EU Business Values and Ethics
  4. Summer School “How to Start New Business: EU and Ukrainian Experience”

Partner's HEIs, which representatives took part in the project activities: 

Ukraine Western Ukrainian National University, National TU "Dniprov Polytechnic", Odessa II Mechnikov National University, National University of Water and Environmental, Kharkiv National University of Economics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Riga Technical University, Latvia, EKA University of Applied Science, Latvia, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland. CONFIRMATION FROM PARTNERS

Number of participants which took part in the project activities:

Direct participants:

2020-2021: 562 persons
2021-2022: 697 persons
2022-2023: 1462 persons

Indirect participants:

2020-2021: 173 persons
2021-2022: 621 persons
2022-2023: 2625 persons
Summer Schools & The Online Courses
Agenda for Summer Schools
How to Start a New Business: EU and Ukrainian Experience
Startups and their scaling:
the experience of the European Union and Ukraine
Development of small and medium-sized enterprises: experience of the countries of the European Union

News and core activities of the project

Lectures, Practice tasks, Supplementary materials

Theme: EU policy for small and medium enterprises: cases for Ukraine
Theme: Targeting and marketing research
Theme: Entrepreneurship: social and gender aspects 

Theme: Measuring and a the results of marketing campaigns

Тема: Start UP: generating and validating ideas

E-learning Course: ​Startups and their scaling: the experience of the European Union and Ukraine

Theme: Leadership, team building and creativity

E-learning Course: Development of small and medium-sized enterprises: experience of the countries of the European Union

Theme: Basics of marketing: strategies and approaches




Congress center


Lessons schedule
Personal cabinet


2, Rymskogo-Korsakova st., 40007 Sumy Ukraine
Tel.: 0542 687 935
Fax: 0542 687 952
