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Scientific degree, title:
E-mail: alex_lyulev@econ.sumdu.edu.ua
Contact phone: +38 0542 687-934
Office Г-609б
Research interests:
Main courses:
Supervisor of PhD students and Dr.Sc. who pathed thesis:
- Vakulenko Ihor, «Organizational and economic principles of smart grid implementation in the energy sector of Ukraine» Abstract of PhD thesis
- Moskalenko Bogdan, «Determinants of enhancing the investment potential of the national economy» Abstract of PhD thesis
- Chyhryn Olena, «Marketing Determinants of Green Competitiveness Management» Abstract of PhD thesis
Scientific projects:
Head of research:
- “Foresight-forecasting the stability of the national economy: from socio-ecological and economic contradictions to the convergent model” (№ 0117U003932), 2017-2020.
- “Quadrocentric recursive model of de-shadowing of Ukraine’s economy for growth of its macroeconomic stability” (0120U104798, funding – National Research Foundation, 2020-2021)
Responsible executor:
- “Simulation modeling of influence’s trajectory of behavioral attractors on macroeconomic stability: the role of transparency and public trust” (№ 0121U100469), 2021-2023
Executor of research works:
“Green investing: cointegration model of transmission ESG effects in the chain “green brand of Ukraine – social responsibility of business” (0121U100468, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2021-2023 years
“Economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting, development of methodological and methodological bases for creating a roadmap for reforming the health care system in Ukraine taking into account behavioral, social, economic and legal determinants” (basic funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, order of 16.04.2021 № 434, Agreement BF/24-2021);
«Innovative drivers of national economic security: structural modeling and forecasting » (№ 0117U003922), 2017-2020 р.);
“Optimization and automation of financial monitoring processes for the growth of information security of Ukraine” (project registration number: 2020.01 / 0185, 2020-2021);
«Economic-mathematical modeling and forecasting of the impact of COVID-19 on the development of Ukraine in national and regional contexts: public health factors and socio-ecological-economic determinants” (project registration number: 2020.01 / 0181, 2020);
“Modeling mechanisms for minimizing energy efficiency gaps in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals: a communicative network of stakeholder interaction” (№ 0120U102002), 2020-2022 year.
“Innovative drivers of national economic security: structural modeling and forecasting (№0117U003922), 2017-2020 year;
“Fundamentals of the formation of mechanisms to ensure the sustainable development of socio-economic systems” (№ 0106U001939);
“Fundamentals of sustainable development in the transition to the information society” (№ state registration 0108U000670);
“Formation of an economic mechanism for resolving international environmental conflicts”(№ 0109U004803);
“Fundamental bases of formation of ecologically oriented mechanisms of realization of social and economic potential in the conditions of information society” (№ 0111U002149);
“Economic justification of business process reengineering as an element of a process-oriented management system at a manufacturing enterprise” (№ 0110U001878).
Education and work experience:
05.03.2019 – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Sumy State University. Thesis Topic: “Macroeconomic stability of the national economy: social, political, and marketing determinants” (Specialty – Economics and management of national economy). Advisor: Professor Serhiy V. Lyeonov.
17.02.2012 – Ph.D. in Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activities), Sumy State University. Thesis Topic: “Forming of Development Strategies of Enterprise in Conditions of Unbalanced Economy.” Advisor: Associate Professor Viktor V. Sabadash.
30.06.2006 – M.A. Physics and biomedical electronics, Sumy State University.
2021–Present: membership European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS).
2020–Present: membership International Social Marketing Association
05 Jul 2020–Present: membership European Organization of Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies.
2021–Present: Guest Editor of Special Issue Frontiers in Environmental Science,”Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Business Models and Institutional Contexts” (обліковується Scopus, Web of Sciences (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE))
2021–Present: Guest Editor of Special Issue “Green Economics and Sustainable Management of Energy Sources“, Energies,(Scopus, Web of Sciences (Science Citation Index Expanded))
2020–Present – Special Issue Editor, Journal «Risk and Financial Management» ISSN 1911-8074 (Web of Sciences Emerging Sources Citation Index).
2020–Present – Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal «Management Systems in Production Engineering» ISSN 2450-5781 (Web of Sciences Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus).
2020–Present: Membership of Editorial Board “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia” (Scopus)
28/08/2019–Present – Sumy State University, Department of Marketing, Head of department.
2013–2019 – Deputy director of education work of Balatsky Academic and Scientific Institute of Finance, Economics and Management.
2019–Present – Member of Editorial Board of Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series» (Poland).
11.09.2013–28.08.2019 – Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Associate Professor.
2018–Present – Editor-in-Chief Scientific Journal «Marketing and Management of Innovation», ISSN 2218-4511 (Web of Sciences Emerging Sources Citation Index).
2018–Present – Member of Editorial Board, Scientific Journal «SocioEconomic Challenges» ISSN 2520-6621 (Ukraine).
01.03.2012–10.09.2013 – Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Senior Lecturer.
02.11.2009–29.02.2012 – Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Assistant.
The reviewer of the Scientific Journals: “Energies”, “Marketing and Management of Innovations“, “Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series”, “Organizacija (Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources)», International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS), HighTech and Innovation Journal, Sustainability
2022 – training”Academic integrity as a driving force for improving the quality of higher education: cases of accreditation examination” (№101048055-14-230, 0,5 ECTS, 15 hours, 14-16 July 2022 р.)
2022 – online conference SendPulse Email marketing
17.05.21-26.05.21 – «Quantitative and qualitative sociological methods in the work of scientists» (СП №05408289/1793-21, 1,0 ECTS, 30 hours, 2021)11.02.2021-15.05.2021: Global Virtual Professional Development Program “Excellence in Teaching & Research” (Washington State University and Sumy State University)
22.04.2021: SciVal for researchers – grants, how to use bibliometric data in grant processes
22.04.2021: UN Sustainable Development Goals – how to analyze bibliometricindicators?
16.11.2021 – online conference from the SendPulse “Online sales 5.0”
20.10.2021 – online conference E-commerce conference (Send Pulse), 2020.
Supervisor of PhD student, Doctoral Students and Students:
PhD Students: Mensa Senya Mavis, Ovusu Edward, Pochkun Vitaly Serhiyovych, Fedorchenko Andriy Olegovich, Osei Owusu Evelyn Kuma
Doctoral Students: Olena Chygryn, Nataliya Letunovskaya
Сontract-based research
“Assessment and development of proposals to improve search engine optimization” (Limited Liability Company “DIAS TIM”, agreement № 53.19-2020.СП / 01 from 16.03.2020)
“Development of the web site of the Congress Center of Sumy State University. SEO”, 2020
Guest Lecturer:
18.04.2023-24.04.2023 Lecture “Bibliometric analysis: instruments and core stage, principal and instruments” at EKA University of Applied Science within Erasmus+
29.11.2021-05.12.2021 UNDP Training “Digital Technologies in VET: modern trends and prospects” (EU-UN Joint Programme on Improving Vocational Education);
17.11.2021: Training at Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS) “Consumer behaviour & Digitalization”;
25.10.2021-30.11.2021: Training at Stanislaw Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Pila “Digital Marketing: Trends and Features”;
Global Virtual Professional Development Program “Excellence in Teaching & Research” (Washington State University and Sumy State University).
- Honory Credential. The honorary researcher of the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Faculty of Economics, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (Alba Iulia, 6.12.2022)
- Honory Credential. The researcher of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (Chisinau, 06.12.2022).
- Winner of the competition “The best teacher in the eyes of students of the 2020-2021 academic year”, Sumy State University
- Winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical workers of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Economics and Management”, 2020-2021 (Diploma I), Sumy State University
- Winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical workers at Sumy State University”, 2020-2021 (Diploma I), Sumy State University
- Winner of the competition “Young Scientist of the Year” based on the results of activities in 2020 (Nomination “Marketing“), 2021
- Winner of the competition “The best young scientists of Sumy State University”, Sumy State University, 2021
- Certificate of honor for significant achievements, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of national education and the state socio-economic policy of Ukraine and on the occasion of Science Day (All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Higher Education Employees, May 17, 2019).
Other activities (participation in public organizations, unions, etc.)
- Public organization “Center for Civic Education and Business Initiatives” (EDRPOU: 41758950)
International projects:
- Visegrad Grant Fund «Carbon free-economy: the best practices between the V4 and Ukraine» 2021-2023
- Jean Monnet Module 101048055-AICE-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH With Academic integrity to EU values: step by step to common Europe»
- Grant from Academia Aurea (Czech Republic) «Health economics and COVID-19: consequences for inclusive and sustainable development» 2021
- Jean Monnet Module 619999-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE «EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine» 2020-2023.
- Jean Monnet Module 620232-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE «EU Carbon-free economy: best practices for Ukraine» 2020-2023.
- «Operacjonalizacja zmiennych w badaniach nt. marketingu turystyki postindustrialnej – określenie zmiennych zależnych i niezależnych, hipotez badawczych, dobór próby badawczej», Сілезька Політехніка (Gliwice), 2020 р.
- Jean Monnet Module 573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE on “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine”.
- Ukrainian-Lithuanian project. “Development of institutional and economic basis for sustainable development and green economy forming at regional level for 2016-2017 years.
- Grant from Academia Aurea (Czech Republic) «Busieness Risks of SMEs in Ukraine» 01 June 2020 – 26 September 2020.
- SCOPES IZ74Z0_160564 Switzerland National Scientific Fund (SNF) within the program of cooperation between Switzerland and Western European CountriesSCOPES IZ74Z0_160564 “Increase of the energetic security through Switzerland-Ukrainian-Estonian institutional partnership”
International programs:
Training in WSB University “Reinvention of European energy security within SDGs: the role of Ukraine”, (Dabrova Gornicza, Poland, 5.12-13.12.2022)
Training in WSB University, Erasmus+, (Dabrova Gornicza, Poland, 1.10-10.10.2022)
Training in “Modern business and marketing technologies: European experience“, 40 hours, Firma Handlowo-Uslugowa “ROSLIN” (Poland, 1-10 October 2022)
Training in Stanislaw Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Pila “Trends in Marketing Research” (Pila, Poland), 150 годин (м. Познань, Польща, 14.04-14.05.2021).
Training in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Marketing Research: Cognitive Technologies”, 150 hours (Poznan, Poland, 15 September – 15 October 2020).
Training in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Trends in Marketing Research”, (Poznan, Poland, March-April 2020).
Training in University of Nebraska “Teaching Strategies for Virtual Classrooms Faculty Development Program” (Virtual class, USA,2020)
Training in Centre of Social Research (Igalo, Montenegro, 2018);
Scholarship holders of Erasmus+ program, University of Tartu (Estonia);
WSB University, Erasmus+ mobility project for Staff mobility for Training – scholarship, (Dabrova Gornicza, Poland), 1.10-10.10.2022
Scholarship holders of Erasmus+ mobility project for Staff mobility for Training” – scholarship, BATH SPA University, United Kingdom, 2016.
Scholarship holders of Erasmus+ mobility project for Staff mobility for Training – scholarship, University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Poland 2016.
Organization committee of the conference
2023 year
- International Conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME 2023) (18th – 19th May 2023, Opava, Poland)
- International Scientific Conference “2023 On Sustainable Regional Development: Economical, Management, Law And Technological Possibilities” (6- 7’th October 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuania)
IX International Scientific Conference “Determinants of Regional Development” (27 – 28 October 2022, Pila, Poland)
9th International scientific conference “New trends in management and production engineering- regional, cross-border and global perspectives” (9th – 10th June 2022, Brenna, Poland)
2021 year
- International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Digitalisation and Sustainability or Development Management: Economic, Social, and Ecological Aspects” (September 11-12, 2021, London, UK) indexed by Scopus
- International Scientific Online Conference“Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges”(25-26 November 2021, Sumy, Ukraine )
International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME 2021) (13th-14th, May, 2021, Otava, Poland)
- International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH2021)’’ (2021, Riga, Latvia)
- VIII International Scientific Conference “Determinants of Regional Development” (21 – 22 October 2021, Pila, Poland).
- XIVth International Scientific Conference “2021 On Sustainable Regional Economical, Management, Law and Possibilities” (1-2 October 2021, Klaipeda, Lithuania)
- International Scientific Conference “The Role of Small Farms in The Sustainable Development of the Food Sector in Central And Eastern Europe” (10 September 2021, Pila, Poland)
- VII International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Social Development Towards Values Ethics – Technology – Society” ( 22-24 September 2021, Wisła, Poland)
2020 year
- International Scientific Online Conference “Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges” (1-3 December 2020, Sumy, Ukraine)