Despite the crazy pace of the marketing department, creating really cool books is probably a hobby. We are happy to present to you what we are proud of!

In 2021, the manual "Academic Integrity. On the guard of quality education: an open conversation about honest education ", where the developer and implementer of the plan was Artem Artyukhov.

What is an interesting book just for you:

presentation of the content by non-standard methods: not scientifically-structured theoretical material, but in the form of an active polylogue;

the plot of the whole book develops during the interview of three characters in the process of performing and checking the first essay of students. The communication process includes consideration of key topics - the stages of creating an essay and its verification and certain activities "around" this process;

the presence of motivational drawings for each section, which are not a simple accompaniment and "decoration" of the book, but carry a meaningful load and encourage reflection;

augmented reality and animation tools used in each of the sections;

greetings and closing remarks of the book's characters, which carry a virtuous philosophy of learning.