We invite you to visit our YouTube channel

We are expanding the scope of our project and have news for you: we have created a YouTube channel, which we have already started to manage.
On the channel, you can already watch videos on the following topics:
- "European values for Ukraine";
- "European Marketing Methods for Ukraine";
- "Basics of environmental marketing". 
Regularly, on the channel, we will teach training courses, lectures, and seminars. Conduct workshops and share our knowledge. 
We will also launch live broadcasts, analyze topical issues, and conduct webinars and discussions. We will involve experts (entrepreneurs, NGOs, and local authorities) in the conferences to discuss project issues. 

Join the promotion of healthy lifestyles, healthy consumer behavior, and a healthy economy and cohesion policy. Subscribe to our channel and be the first to know about benefits from us!

The channel is available at the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2OF7zVCSbo-bty8GpR34Q?app=desktop