In February 2023, For more in-depth and effective work and the project’s success, the project realizators implemented the project ideas for students and young people across works in small groups at the seminars, where the participants immediately spoke and expressed their thoughts. Dissemination of project ideas was reflected on February 16 in the framework of the “Service Marketing” discipline, where students in the 3rd year of the “Marketing” specialty had a real competition for knowledge of the basic principles of client-oriented business and service. Thus, they created and solved crosswords and actively discussed alternatives for humane, healthy behavior of representatives of all economic and economic activity branches in the context of the given topic. In addition, the topics of decision-making related to the development of the Ukrainian economy based on European values and experience were subject to discussion; decisions, which in the long run, will be able to have a positive cumulative effect both for the economy and society as a whole.
© 1996 – [current_year] Department of Marketing.
Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Economics, and Management.